The more you know
Your frequently asked questions answered
Navigating the world of autism therapy can raise many questions and concerns for families and individuals seeking support. At BehaviorWorks ABA, we understand the importance of clarity and transparency in your journey toward fostering growth, development, and improved quality of life. This section has been carefully curated to address your most common queries about our services, approach, and commitment to supporting individuals on the autism spectrum. As advocates for the autism community, we are committed to sharing knowledge, fostering understanding, and offering guidance every step of the way. Please explore the answers below, and feel free to reach out if you need further assistance or clarification.
Applied Behavior Analysis therapy, is an evidence-based approach most commonly used to treat individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or other developmental disorders. ABA therapy focuses on understanding and modifying behaviors to strengthen social skills, communication skills, and daily functioning.
ABA therapy involves:
– Breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable steps and using positive reinforcement and rewards to encourage desired behaviors.
– Identifying and addressing challenging behaviors by analyzing their function and implementing strategies to reduce or replace them with more appropriate alternatives.
Observation, assessments, data collection, and progress tracking are used to tailor ABA interventions to the client’s specific needs. Data on the individual’s behaviors, track progress and make data-driven decisions to tailor interventions to their specific needs.
ABA therapy and behavior therapy through the Medicaid Waiver can be combined to provide comprehensive care across settings. Although treatment goals can be personalized to each setting, our clinic and community support professionals can share progress, work together to maximize outcomes, and generalize developed skills within our clients’ environments.
Yes. BehaviorWorks has developed an ongoing partnership with Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc. Through this partnership, BehaviorWorks clients can receive occupational therapy services right here in the clinic. Dr. Jessica Pilkington is the Director of Occupational Therapy. She provides expert treatment that helps our client overcome limitations associated with sensory processing, social participation, fine motor skills such as grasping, releasing, and handwriting, and gross motor skills such as balance and eye-hand coordination.
Yes. BehaviorWorks has developed an on-going partnership with Opportunities for Positive Growth, Inc. Through this partnership, BehaviorWorks clients can receive music therapy services right here in the clinic. Talk to our Clinic Manager about how to enroll.
BehaviorWorks has developed an on-going partnership with Figure of Speech LLC for in-clinic Consultative Speech Services. This consultation is to best inform our Board Certified Behavior Analysts about linguistic mechanisms underlying vocal communication and SLP best practices. This consultative speech therapy is optional and provided at no cost to the client.
Our team prioritizes ethical standards, protecting our clients’ rights, and safety for all individuals. We understand that each child has unique needs and work closely with each family to determine if we are the best fit. We do not have a seclusion room. We limit the use of physical restraint and notify the families if restraint is needed in an emergency. We offer 1:1 child-to-technician support. If your child engages in aggression or self-injurious behavior and you have questions about our protocols for physical management, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We can discuss this further at your intake appointment.
BehaviorWorks ABA values supporting our clients and their families through each phase of life. While some ABA providers offer services limited to specific settings (e.g., clinic), we can provide support where needed the most (clinic, home, community, and school). We are a family-first company that will work with our families every step of the way.
ABA therapy is not a toolbox. ABA therapy is the interaction between the client’s behavior and the behavior of the therapist (their immediate environment). ABA is not forced compliance. To inspire sustainable change, children with special needs should not be made to feel that they are problems that must be dealt with. They should be allowed to grow into their individuality without shame or apology. At the same time, there are skills that everyone needs to help ease the transition into mainstream society, and we firmly believe that children with special needs are capable of learning these skills through scientifically-based strategies and passionate dedication on our and the family’s part.
- Intake. Our intake specialist will send you all the information needed to start.
- Insurance. Once the information is complete and returned, we will confirm insurance coverage and work with you to schedule the assessment.
- Assessment. Our Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) will meet with you to assess your child’s medical need for ABA treatment.
- Therapy begins. If ABA is needed, the BCBA will develop a treatment plan for your child. If you approve this course of treatment, we will work together to schedule your child’s start date.
Our ultimate goal is for children to transition out of in-clinic ABA services and return to their school environment. Each child’s Individual Treatment Plan includes a transition plan. Transition plans include meeting original goals, reducing barriers preventing them from functioning in a school environment, and identifying transition needs.
Our behavior analysts work with each family to plan future goals and assist with the transition out of in-clinic ABA. Since transitions are as unique as the individual, additional support is modified to meet those needs. Because we also offer services in the school and home, a foundation is already in place to assist with these transitions.
Communication skills. Not being able to communicate with loved ones can lead to challenging situations. Communication can come in the form of verbal language, sign language, picture exchange communication systems (PECs), or augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices. Learning to communicate encourages independence while reducing problematic behavior. Learning to make requests will expand vocabulary and improve social awareness and conversations. At BehaviorWorks, our therapists work with clients to replace problem behavior with verbal communication. Developing a client’s ability to express their wants and needs opens the door to endless possibilities. Whether an individual communicates by pushing, grunting, pointing, or speaking, our therapists are ready to meet them where they’re at and work towards the next milestone.
Adaptive daily life & self-help skills. Through behavior therapy, these skills can be broken down into smaller steps and taught individually (task analysis). Examples of ADL and self-help skills include but are not limited to dressing, grooming, eating, toilet training, personal hygiene, and household chores.
Problem behavior reduction. A significant aspect of behavior therapy is addressing problem behaviors by identifying the underlying causes and implementing strategies to reduce or replace those behaviors with more appropriate alternatives. Functional behavior assessments are conducted to understand the function or purpose of problem behaviors, and then behavior intervention plans are developed to target the behavior and reinforce desirable alternatives.
Executive skills. Behavior therapy can improve administrative functioning skills such as organization, time management, planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. It involves using visual supports, schedules, and prompts to help individuals develop and practice these skills in real-life situations.
Social skills. Behavior therapy often teaches social skills, including turn-taking, initiating and maintaining conversations, engaging in eye contact, sharing, empathy, and understanding emotions and social cues. Modeling, role-playing, and reinforcement techniques teach and reinforce appropriate social behaviors.
Gross & fine motor skills. Behavior therapy can strengthen gross motor skills (e.g., running, jumping, throwing) and fine motor skills (e.g., handwriting, feeding with utensils, using buttons, zippers, and snaps). Task analysis, prompting, and reinforcement are used to break down these skills into smaller steps and strengthen these skills.
NET stands for Natural Environment Teaching. NET takes advantage of our clients’ natural environments, incorporating their interests, preferred reinforcers, and daily activities into therapy to promote learning, generalize skills across different settings, and ensure that the learned behaviors are functional and meaningful in real-life situations. BehaviorWorks uses NET to teach communication, social, self-help, play, and other skills to increase independence.